Thursday, January 31, 2008

Happy Birthday Jaren

Because today is a special day for my son Jaren I thought I would let everybody get to know him a little better.

My husband has given me flowers on our children's birthdays because, let's face it, it was my "birth" day as well. It always gets me thinking of that special day. Jaren came on his exact due date, January 31st 2002. He woke me up from a deep sleep at 1:10 in the morning with kicking my bladder, soon after I had my first contractions. Things happend fairly quickly after that so I thought, however, no one seemed to believe me when I told them I was in labor. ( My husband and my doctor ) So my hubby went back to sleep and the doctor would check on me latter. Meanwhile I took a shower. The contractions were becoming too intense so to relieve the presure I sat on the toilet and pushed through the contractions for 45 min. (Hopefully you're laughing at this point and not sick to your stomach) Not the smartest thing I've ever done i know but i didn't realize what i was feeling. I had no idea that i was in actual labor and pushing the baby through. At one point i was tierd and just wanted to get to the hospital, still thinking that i wasn't in "real" labor. So i yelled for my husband to help me off the toilet and as he was entering i felt a POP, a gush of water, and a babies head. My husband starts running around getting things together and calling 911. I however, was paralized. I was afraid to move. I was instructed to lay on my back and wait for the ambulance. I didn't make it that far though before the REAL contractions began. these contractions are made to get the baby out so the body is doing the pushing not the brain. I had to think real hard to NOT push. My way of doing this? Screaming through them. So picture this...... A half naked lady on all fours screaming! my 2 yr old was so sweet, he would pat my head and then back away in terror when i would start to scream agian. I was terrifide that there wouldn't be a woman EMT and i was right. In fact these were the 4 biggest men i think i've ever seen. They seemed to fill the door frame as they entered my house. they got me on the bed and rolled me into the ambulance. These big stronge men looked scared to say the least and they didn't hide it very well. They had one guy in charge of checking under the sheet to look for a head. so every once in a while i would hear oh good, no head. Another guy was sticking things on my chest trying to get vitals. I'm sure this is routine however he was getting upset with me because i was to tense and needed to relax. I barked at him that it would be a bad idea and he shut up real fast. They all got out and then started cussing at each other because they took me to the wrong enterance and then when we got to the right one the never looked so relieved to see the nurses who were waiting. If i close my eyes real hard i can still hear the echos of my screams down the long hallway. As they got me in the room and were moving me to the bed complete terror came over me that this was it. My first birth i didn't feel anything so i was scared that i wasn't going to be able to handle the pain and felt like for sure i was going to be split in two. So, i immediately started begging for drugs. The nurse just laughed as she was prying my leggs apart and said it's way to late for that. My husband and son came right as the baby's head was coming. my poor son is still tramatized by this scene that he was forced to see. A nurse quickly took him out of the room as my doctor was coming in. 2 more pushes and he was out crying his head off. I was so relieved, (in fact i don't think I've ever been that relived, even now) and i was exhasted. He was born at 4:02 am. It was quick and totally worth it. It was my first and only natual child birth. After that i swore i would never do that agian. His full name is D. Jaren Scott Morris. The D represents Donald. He was named after his grandfathers. Also I have an Uncle named Jaren that has always been spiecal to me. He was born in Tucson Az. He had his first birthday in Enid Oklahoma, his second in Ramstien Germany, his third in Corpus Christy Tx, and his fifth and sixth in Cabot Ar. He was a fussy baby but would make up for it with his smiles and snuggles. That still hasn't changed. At a young age he developed an obsession for toys. It started with Buzz Lightyear, then went to Batman and now Star Wars. His favorite color has always been blue. And his favorite food is Macaroni and cheese. He's very loving towards everybody and likes to play with his toys and make believe. He has a wonderful imagination. He is a kindergartener and enjoys P.E class and recess. He HATES nap time! His teachers discribe him as extremly intense and sensetive, but will melt your heart with his genuine spirit and kindness. He fills my life with joy and excitment. Happy birthday my big 6 year old. I love you!


Natalie said...

Awww...that was so great and so fun to read. I know I've heard you tell it before but it's so much better all written out and so funny. Good job (and Brad is so proud of your blogging abilities too!)

daveandlisa said...

What a sweet little boy. I have nothing but huge respect for anyone who has ever given birth completely natural. I know that I would just die. Good thing my kids are content in their warm, safe, little environment that they don't come out til the dr makes them come out leaving plenty of time to load me up with lots and lots of drugs. I can't believe that he's already 6 years old. That means that Talon is going to be 6 this year too. Hard to believe. Where does the time go?

tiffany knox said...

Thats what I was waiting for- you are such a good story teller! I love it!!!!!
I love Jaren, and would like to take the time to officially apologize for spelling hs name wrong for the last 6 years...