Friday, February 29, 2008

My Little Nudist

My son Brigham loves to be outside. If he wants to go outside all he has to do is ask his big brother Kelland who is 3 to open the back door and off they go. WOW, this is funny, as I was writing this I heard the back door open. I went to check and sure enough they escaped. I wouldn't mind so much if we had a fence but we don't so I'm always afriad they will end up in the street, which they have before. But the other day I had just got him out of the bath and was getting his clothes ready. I heard the back door open then close. I yeld their names just to see if anyone would answer. Then I looked outside and found my little one running around in his birthday suit. I had to get this on camera because for some reason it is so adorable to see. It might look warm but it was in the low 50's that day. I was taking these pictures from the window because i was afraid if he saw me he would run. But it didn't matter, i had to make a mad dash for the door to try to catch up with him. when i got to him he was in the front yard giving the neighbors a show. You can't help but laugh at the situation. He's sooo cute!!!! These are the pictures you bring out when they are teens just to embarrass them. I'll be enjoying these pictures for a long time! I hope I don't get in trouble for posting such pictures. Does it matter that he's only a baby? Lets hope so!


Natalie said...

very tasteful pics, no worries. he's darling with his glowing angelic skin...he's a little cherub!
love the background too!

Anonymous said...

all i can say is like father like son, sorry.....kisses Patsi/Mom

daveandlisa said...

I have to say that I love this post. So hilarious. And Talon happened to be looking over my shoulder when I was reading this and he freaked out and said "he's naked mom." It was funny. Yeah your son will totally regret he did this 10 or 15 years down the road from now. You can have a lot of fun with this in the future. Lots of blackmailing or should we say persuasion opportunities ahead. :-)

That would be so much fun if we were close enough to bead together. I love doing it with other people cause I always get lots of new ideas. No one I know out here does it. And yeah I would totally suggest getting a sewing machine. Never in my life did I ever think that I would ever use one, but now I feel like I can't live without it. Love it! And I see you noticed that there's not much stuff to make for boys. That part really sucks cause lately it seems that everyone I know is having boys so I can't make anything for them except for the blankets. Which those are fun to make too, but it's more fun to be able to make all of the stuff. Plus since I've started making the blankets No one I know has had a girl so I've made a bunch of the boy ones. I want to make a girl blanket!!!! They're way cuter. Can't wait til someone has a girl.

Anonymous said...

love to slip my cockin his pu s sy