Friday, August 22, 2008

First day of school

It wasn't the smoothest of mornings. The kids woke up fine but they were just really slow. And poor Kelland! His first morning was a rough one. It all started the night before. He was so excited he couldn't sleep and went to bed very late. The next morning he was happy and excited, then something like his brother standing in his way and it would set him off to grumpy ville. I have them get in the shower in the morning to help wake them up and on his way into the shower his hand slipped from the side of the bathtub and he caught himself with his face. All I could think of was "Are you kidding me?! Leave it to Kelland to get hurt in a time crunch." He decided he didn't want a shower after that. We finally made it in the car and off to school. and as I was looking for a parking spot Kelland announced to me that he had pooped. Yeah, you read right..... POOPED!! I didn't believe him at first because this isn't like him at all to have accidents, but he insisted that we go home and change. So for his first day of school he was 20 min late. When we did finally get there he really seemed to get in the spirit of things and was very excited!

When I went to pick them up at the end of the day he got in the car and told me "That was AWESOME!!!" He loved it. It's Just Pre-kindergarten but here in Arkansas it's all day everyday so I treat it like the first day of school. The other boys were happy with their first days as well. Layton talking about a cute girl in his class and Jaren worried because he didn't really make any friends yet. But he will and I predict that this will be a great and successful school year.


Anonymous said...

Well, from this first day forward everything can only
get better!
Way to go Cherstin.
Daddy should be home by now
and will relief the pressure somewhat.
Love, Grandma/Oma

Anonymous said...

It's me again - sorry forgot to mention
how good all the guys look!
You are doing a great job.
Love, Grandma/Oma

Becca & Joel said...

Oh, Cherstin! Can I just say that you are the greatest of moms?!?!?! Seriously, you keep your cool, you are so patient, and you are just strong! I absolutely admire you for these things, and feel blessed to have you in my life to help remind me of how I can do some things better for my family. Your boys are so lucky!