Saturday, August 30, 2008

The love of my life has returned!!!

Yes! The day has finally come!! The day we are reunited. We were all so excited for this day and I didn't want to miss anything. So I asked my dear friend Megan if she would come and take pictures for me. She was so willing to help. She even rearranged some things in her life so she could be there for me. And what I got from her generosity was nothing less then priceless. I was just looking for a few pictures for documenting the occasion. But what it turned out to be was a story of our lives in that moment. You can see every emotion. The waiting, the anticipation, the excitement, the joy and the love. All of this in these photos. It is such a blessing for us have these. I can always look back on them and remember that it was difficult but very rewarding. Everybody hates deployments but the best part of it is the homecoming. I hope you enjoy these beautiful photos. And be prepared there are a lot of them. I couldn't just pick a few when so many help tell the story of that wonderful moment. Thanks again Megan! I owe you one!!!
Chapter 1: The wait!

We arrived a half hour earlier then they said to just to be safe. But the plane was about 45 min. late. So the wait time was long and hot. There was a nice breeze but only occasionally. Thank goodness for shade.

Kelland had a hard time waking up from his nap. This kid can sleep. I picked him up from school in the middle of his nap and he slept in the car on the way there, in the stroller as we waited and I still had to wake him up. The kid needs his sleep I guess.I LOVE this picture. I don't get to see this everyday. In fact I don't think I've ever seen them do this. I remember laying in my sisters lap like this as a child but I guess because they are boys they show affection and kindness in other, mostly aggressive ways. I'm so glad I captured it.
Chapter 2: The plane has landed!
Wake up Kelland!! Daddy's plane is coming!Brigham says "Daddy plane Mom!!""Daddy! Daddy!"He actually got down from my arms and ran towards the plane. I had to chase after him and he wasn't happy about it. Pretty confusing for a little one with no Patience.
Chapter 3: The Anticipation
We had to wait for customs to go in and check everything before they gave us the "go ahead" to start walking down towards the plane. So more waiting. And as they started stepping off the plane, it was person after person and they all started to look the same.
In this picture you can just see how anxious they are looking for their father.
And then out of nowhere he pops out of the crowd with a huge smile on his face. Oh! how I missed seeing that face!
Chapter 4: Reunited!
Layton and Jaren saw him first and ran to him for his embrace. He didn't even have time to put his stuff down. When Don saw this picture He cried. He missed them so much."DADDY!""Is it really you?""It is you!"Finally my turn. How I longed for this moment.
Chapter 5: updating Daddy
"Look! Daddy plane"Jaren seemed to have more to say then usual. He was very excited!And Layton being funny and updating him on all his football glories.Jaren showing his dad his wiggly front teeth.One more longing embrace.Chapter 6: Ready to go home!
Let's go home Daddy!Thank you Megan!

What a magical day! As Megan was taking pictures of us she happened to capture another reunion. I thought this was to sweet not to post! That little boy is so precious with his eager run towards his dad. This day was filled with moments like this. Later when we were waiting for the luggage to arrive I witnessed an Airman pick up his loved one and swing her around in a bear hug. I saw a father throwing his child up in the air with joy on his face and the boys laughter filling the air. And I watched as one more kiss just wasn't enough before leaving to grab his bags. I loved being there and seeing all the happy faces around me. It was truly magical..........A moment I'll never forget.


Megan said...

Cherstin and Don~ Really, it was a privelage for me to be there. It was such an emotional event to witness and I am so glad that you like the pictures. My favorite is the picture of Layton and Jaren. The emotion was palpable. From the time that people started coming off the plane until they saw their dad seemed like forever and you could just feel their anticipation. I still cry when I see it. I also love the one of you two. Very personal, very sweet. The best thing about being away is the reunion. I also love the family in the background. The day was full of little moments like that. THanks again, Megan

Anonymous said...

Um, I had smoke in both my eyes that's why I was crying!

Anonymous said...

Hi Cherstin & Donnie & Boys,
What wonderful photos and what wonderful
moments for you all.
Glad you are back safely, Donnie!
I got smoke in my eyes too looking at
the photos - what a good looking
family you are.
Love, Grandma & Grandpa
Take care -

Erin said...

I had to come see the pictures my beautiful sister took. I cried a lot. It was beautiful. How wonderful to have such a great picture story of a very special time.

Anonymous said...

I'll try and compose myself to write! Thank you, so much for sharing your hubby for so long, so that we can have freedom in our country. I feel very blessed having read your post. Thanks for sharing such a special time in your lives.

Shelly said...

Welcome home Don. Everyone looks so big and great. I'm glad you all get to be together again. Love and miss you guys
The Castles

daveandlisa said...

Oh my gosh! That is so amazing. I got chills reading about it. That is seriously so sweet. I can't even imagine what that felt like.

Natalie said...

So so sweet. I'm so glad you had your friend take pics cuz I always wondered about the reunion moment. So beautiful! So glad to have you home, Don!

Mandy Stewart said...

Don I am sooo glad you are home safe and sound. Thank you for your service.... we are proud of you guys. Cher these pics are beautiful. I wish I could have been there to see it in person. I love you all so much.... PS ... cute dress cher. You looked beautiful.

5 Frogs and a Princess said...

Cherstin..what sweet pictures! Mandy mentioned them on her blog and I had to check them out! Nothing tells a story better than pictures! Thank you to you and your family for the sacrifices you have all made for our country and freedoms we enjoy...we are so blessed, Thanks!

Tina - Ball Team Co-Captain said...

Great photos, great tribute to the moment. And I love the way you colored Don coming out of the crowd. Welcome Home!!!

mwells said...

You don't know me, but I am a friend of Mandy's. I just wanted to tell you how much we appreciate your sacrifice and service to us and our families. We pray for you and your families every day!

Jacque said...

Welcome home! May you and your family continue to be blessed for your sacrifices. You are a very sweet family, and the pics are wonderful. Thanks for sharing! (Mandy's favorite Mom in Law)

Shari Goodman said...

Um, gee, I must have really bad allergies right now.....I'm sure that's just it. Welcome home. What beautiful pictures.

tiffany knox said...

I really have to rethink what posts I read when I am pregnant and husbandless for 6 weeks! you're killing me that was so touching. Don, I LOVE you! thanks for taking care of my sister and you sure have a cute bunch of boys.

Casey said...

Welcome Home! I am sure you know how much we appreciate the sacrifice your family makes for our country. We think you guys are great. Love the pictures. What a tender moment. Fabulous idea to have someone come and take the pictures. I never would have thought of that. You are a genious.

cally said...

Oh chersty. I loved that.

I've always had the picture of Don in my head as the band guy. I love seeing you as a family.

thank you.

Emilee said...

Wow!! Megan, those pictures were so great! You need to be a photographer. This made me cry! I love it when family and loved ones reunite and their love is so strong and so openly shared like that! I can't help but be so much more grateful for eternal families and knowing we will always be able to have such joyful reunions if we live right in this life. Thank you for sharing this love story. I know it is personal, but we love you Cherstin and your family. What an example you have been to me and I am so happy for you!

Emilee said...

Wow!! Megan, those pictures were so great! You need to be a photographer. This made me cry! I love it when family and loved ones reunite and their love is so strong and so openly shared like that! I can't help but be so much more grateful for eternal families and knowing we will always be able to have such joyful reunions if we live right in this life. Thank you for sharing this love story. I know it is personal, but we love you Cherstin and your family. What an example you have been to me and I am so happy for you!

Kim said...

SO SWEET. You have a beautiful family. I have to admit I cried. Megan did a great job! Thanks for sharing all the pic.'s How did Megan blur just the outside of the photos?? I will have to ask her I guess... unless you did it.

Nana/Mom said...

Hi, don't think that because it took me so long to post a comment that I haven't looked at this blog almost every day....Cherstin, you are so creative, and this post is my all time favorite, for many reasons. As Mom, to see my son, home, safe, and with the people he loves more than life is amazing. Your descriptions of that day make me smile, laugh, cry (happy tears). I have always been grateful to our service men and women, but it is different when your child is one of them. Untill both of you joined (that is how I see it), I really didn't understand. I do now. Thank you Donnie, Thank you to all of you who read this that are either in the service or support someone who is. Cherstin, you are amazing, what a wonderful lady you are!! Thank you for loving my son, and taking care of those boys, my love alway, Mom/Nana

PS-for Megan-thank you again, you gave us all such a precious gift when you went that day. Patsi

Becca & Joel said...

Oh - my - GOODNESS!!!!! SOOOOO many great pictures! Do you think Megan would come with me if Joel ends up deploying? I think Megan should start a business for spouses of the deployed - just breathtaking photos - and the editing!!! Did she do that, or you? All the black/white with one person highlighted in the croud? Loved them all!!!