Saturday, August 9, 2008

Happy Birthday Brigham!!!

It's a sad day for me today. If you know me, you know that I hang on to the "baby stage" for as long as possible. It's not until 2 yrs old hits that I truly believe they are growing up. So today is a day for letting go. But first, a few pictures of the past 2 years.

Brigham has always been a happy baby. Very enthusiastic about trying everything life has to offer. He is bright, demanding, knows what he wants and usually gets it. He is also kind, loving, affectionate and very charming. I was so blessed to have him come when he did. His pregnancy was a difficult one for me. I had hit a depression that was hard to shake. He came along and cleared my gray sky's into a bright sunny yellow. And it has been that way ever since. Age two is posing some new challenges that I am already seeing. Time out has been introduced already, however isn't understood completely and sometimes turns into a game. Very annoying. Toddler years are hard for everybody. I just got to remember that.

Today started with a birthday breakfast. His favorite......yogurt. Then a little play time, Nap time and off to start the celebration. For the kids birthdays we always go to Toys R Us for them to buy a present that they pick out. Brigham is to young for this concept so he didn't understand we were there for him.

He was jetting back and forth through the aisles so quickly it was hard for me to take pictures. He wasn't interested in the camera at all. Not like he normally is. We also went to Chick-fil-a for dinner.

Which was interesting to say the least!
Then it was back home for a few more presents and cake. The cake was adorable! A friend volunteered to make it for me. And I think it was appropriate for Brig because he loves anything with wheels.

The day finally ended with Brigham playing with the toy he picked out. I must say it is perfect for him. He loves cars and playing in them. And now he has his very own to play in. Which is great because sometimes I find him out in the garage playing in the van. Not the safest thing to be doing and not to mention the whole dead battery incident a few months ago. Hopefully this will solve that problem.

I love this big boy. He has brought such joy to my life. I hope he had a wonderful day. And here's to the next chapter in the book of life........ toddler hood!!


Mandy Stewart said...

Ahhhh! Brigg you are adorable. I totally feel for you sis. I will be so sad the day my baby boy is two. Start reading up on how to concieve a girl. If it works for you guys.... I will try for a girl. I love you guys!

Natalie said...

Love that boy! And you described him perfectly. Happy birthday Briggy!! Can't wait to watch you put sentences together and rule the house!

Anonymous said...

I miss my Briggy! He's the first of all our children who truly liked me from the start. I remember when I came home from Iraq last year and he had just turned 1. I came off the plane and all the families, girlfriends and kids were all cheering for their loved ones. My kids run up to greet me and Chersty rolls up with Brigham in the stroller. He is still asleep. So I was trying to be quiet as to not wake him, but when I moved the shade that was covering him he woke up, looked right at me with sleep eyes, gave me this "oh, there you are daddy" look and reached up for me to pick him up. My heart melted and hasn't been the same since. He's my little pal; always wants to be where I am and doing what I'm doing. I love and miss you very much Briggy. I pray I'll never have to miss another birthday.

Anonymous said...

Happy Happy Briggy boy!!! Looks like you had a wonderful day, we love you Nana and Papaw!!! said...

Happy birthday Brigg. Cant wait to see you guys again!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday again, Brig!
Yes, he is a charmer!
Wish we could have been there.

Love to ALL of you - the wait is almost over.
Take care,
Oma/Grandma & Opa/Grandpa