Friday, January 4, 2008

Christmas Trip

We went to see my family for Christmas this year and Brigham is starting to communicate more even though he can only say a few word. He points and grunts a lot. most of the time he still gets his point across. He is very demanding on getting what he wants. He also seems to prefer men over woman especially the men in his life (sorry Grandma and Nana) the first night we were there Grandpa sat with Brig on the stairs sharing some delicious Fruit Loops and just having male bonding time. After that Brigham would get Grandpas attention, motion him to sit at the stairs, and once grandpa sat down he would go into the pantry and get the cereal to share once again. It happened on a regular basis that i just had to take a picture to document the event. One thing that is true about the Morris boys is they know what they want and they usually get it. Brigham Being all of 16 months is no exception. It was a very cute thing to watch. And Grandpa felt pretty special.