Monday, January 14, 2008

Happy new year to us!!!!

Needless to say we've had a rough start. Since the new year we have all been sick. (With the exception of Layton because of his treatments) But my sweet little Brigham has had the worst of it. we took him to the emergency room one night and they sent us home with antibiotics. However his body was not responding and he got much worse in the coarse of a few days. On Tuesday night i could not get his temp down from 103.5 so off to the er we went. They immediately had blood taken and a chest x-ray. through the night and morning every fluid your body produces they took for testing. including a spinal tap to test for Meningitis. They admitted him into the hospital and we were there for 3 days. With all the testing done they concluded that ha had a slight pneumonia in his left lung, an ear infection and a stomach virus. The mystery of it all is that he was way to sick for having minor illnesses. I have 2 other children with immune deficiency so Brig was tested for that and it came back positive for the same thing my 2 other boys have. The combination of all three illnesses at once was to much for my little one to handle on his own. They gave him an IVIG treatment which is an infusion of b-cells and antibodies that his body doesn't produce and by the end of the treatment he was looking and acting 75% better. He now has to do these treatments every month like his brothers but it makes a huge difference. If they didn't have this done there's no doubt that they would be sick in the hospital all the time. Now for your help. This is mostly for my family members who read this but any info is appreciated. If you know of any family history or family members now who have reoccurring illnesses such as upper respiratory infections, ear infections, pneumonia. or any cases of bigger infections like bone or blood infections or meningitis. The doctors are helping us to figure out what exactly the are deficient in and how they have it in the first place. Brigham is doing fine now still a little weak. I took a picture of him with his mask on because when we were at the hospital he couldn't leave the room without wearing it. He figured this out real quickly and so when ever he wanted to leave he would bring me his mask. He did a real good job of keeping it on and now he likes to wear it around the house. I'm not sure why. They also gave him his own stethoscope so that they(the doctors) wouldn't be passing along any germs while we were in the hospital and now that is ours as well. The children love playing with it. If their is anything that i got out of this is that we don't wash our hand enough. And just going to the grocery store could be bad for them. The treatments that they receive will help so we don't have to worry so much about that. Thank goodness!!!!!!!Anyway, our new year is looking up. i just want to thank everybody for their prayers and for my friends for helping out with my children while we were in the hospital. And for the meals that were sent to help us through. We are truly blessed to have such wonderful family and friends that we can count on. Thanks again!!!


Mandy Stewart said...

I'm glad to hear you are home and well. What a cute little guy. Keep us informed on their situation. I love you.

Natalie said...

I'm so glad to hear that you had meals and stuff. Thank you RS! Amen to the washing hands'd think that Brad would have passed that habit on but no, we really do to do it more too. Love you all so much...glad you are doing better. xoxo nat

Becca & Joel said...

I LOVE THE BLOG!!! It's cool that you can post pix from Don's time in the air - those are fun to see!
I'm so glad they liked the dinner - seriously easy - just a box of Zataran's red beans n' rice with Jenny-O turkey sausage sliced into it! I knew your kids were picky eaters, so I fugured if it had somehting that looked like hot dogs, we'd be doing good!
Glad to hear Brig is doing better, you are such a trooper for enduring all those days at the hospital! You're a true hero!

Casey said...

Yippee! Hurray! I'm so glad you caved. I loved seeing your family. Tim talked to Jason a while back and said something about Brigham being at the ER. I wondered if he had the same thing as the other boys. At least it was discovered early for him so you don't have to deal with the ER and sick kids as much. What a blessing. Can't wait to see what else you post. Let me know if there is anyone else in the ward who has one so I can see theirs. I love it!

Melissa said...

I am so glad you guys are doing better. That is so scary. We need to have a family reunion. Your kids are so big!!

Shari Goodman said...

My littlest guy is autistic and I have an incredible Dr. here who does every test in the book to find out what deficiancies he has. Autism is also an auto-immune diseas. It is amazing what it has done for him. I give him b-12 shots and he takes lots of supplements. I also have him on Reliv, a powdered drink which really helps. He is almost never sick anymore. He went a whole year without being sick! He is also on a really strict diet. There is nothing more stressful in life than not knowing what to do for your kids. We will add you and your family to our prayers!

tiffany knox said...

so the doctor said that he doesnt think landon has it, but he needed more information. I explained it but he wanted the medical name for it and the illness it sounded like I was describing he said that he would be very ill and in the hospital a lot and we havent been but I still wonder- matbe I could get info from you again and then I can ask them to test for it. I am worried about my health sometimes too. I should be feeling better after surgery NOT worse! thanks for writing and updating I love reading your posts.