Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Yes, boys play dress up too!

I love it when i can watch my children use their imaginations. Jaren is really into StarWars right now and so he wanted kelland to dress up with him so they could pretend to fight. Then Jaren came out with marker on his face and called it his scar. He is pretending to be Anikin. And any excuse kelland can use to write on himself he's taking it. I took a video of them and you can tell who's into it and who's there just to dress up. Jaren was wanting so badly to get it perfect for the video. he wasn't very happy with Kelland when he wouldn't cooperate. Ok well i couldn't get the video to work. Sorry about that but it was just Jaren tying hard to get Kelland to fight with him. And Jaren would use words like ACTION and CUT. it was cute.Kelland is just now getting to the age where he plays with others so Kelland and Jaren are starting to play more together. I love to watch them interact with eachother. it makes life alittle easier. Also here are some pictures of my new wood floors. Just for you Nat!


daveandlisa said...

Your boys are so cute! I can't believe how big they are. It's alot of fun reading your blog to see how you guys are doing. It's been way too long since I saw you guys last. Maybe one day you'll be in AZ the same time I'm in AZ and we'll be able to hook up again.

Natalie said...

Wow! Your floors are gorgeous! I absolutely love it...(still need to see the counters though!)Love hearing about your boys different personalities too. So cute!

Melissa said...

I love little boys and dress up. Too funny.

tiffany knox said...

I love your floors and your decor!
your boys need to come back and play with landon -his favorite character is Ariel!

Mandy Stewart said...

Cherry I love your home. I hope to see in person some day. I want to see a pic of the counter tops too. While your at it just tskr pics of all the house.

Casey said...

I was wondering if you were ever going to post pics of the floors. They look great. Post more pics so I can see all that you've done.

Mandy Stewart said...

cute background chersty!

tiffany knox said...

hey cherstin please call me!

Shelane said...

My boys love to dress up so much (especially Ian) that when Carson was in kindergarten, my neighbor would watch for Ian when we walked down to the school to see which costume he had on that day. Who needs tutus anyways?