Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Vacation Time!!!

Well I am taking a break. It's time load up the car and go on a mini vacation. I'm going to see my sister Natalie. I am in desperate need for sister time. I'm so excited to see her. She also blogs but I'm guessing we wont have much time for it. I'll have lots of picture and stories to blog about . I'll be gone a week and be back going strong,or so I hope. Enjoy your holiday weekend. Post later!


Mandy Stewart said...

have fun sis! I wish i were there.

Megan said...

Have a fun and safe trip. Enjoy your time with your sister. Call me when you get back. ~megan

Shelly said...

Have fun Cherstin. Love the blog I almost used the same one. Hee Hee!

Tina - Ball Team Co-Captain said...

having fun? our fourth started off rainy - hope your was great!

Anonymous said...

Dear Cherstin & boys,
Glad you made it safely to your
sisters house.

Enjoy your time away.

By the way I really like the new background
on your blog. Very easy to read for us
old people!

Take care going home.

Love, Grandma/Oma
